You have probably seen inexpensive forms and software packages for Wills and Powers of Attorney. They are “off the shelf” quick fixes and probably do not fit your estate planning needs. If you have joint accounts, life insurance, annuities, transfer on death, IRA’s and other assets that pass outside a Will, this all needs to be coordinated. Even if you have a simple plan, it needs to be reviewed for changes. Pennsylvania just this year passed a new Power of Attorney law. Estate planning is more than just a Will. Our estate documents and plans are customized to you and your spouse or family and can grow as time goes on. The process is painless. Many of our clients have been with us through generations as conditions change and they add or lose family members and the laws also change.
We review old documents and recommend changes based on today’s laws. We meet with healthy clients and also those who will be needing chronic or long term care. You, your parent, spouse or family member need Wills, Financial Powers of Attorney, Health Care Powers of Attorney and Living Wills that also consider chronic illness. With our extensive experience over many years of handling both estate planning and estate administration we know what to anticipate and can help you make decisions. If you like, we can walk with you each step of the way.