Category Archives for Wills

Reasons Why a Will Is Not Enough For An Estate Plan

With the beginning of the new year many readers may be looking to redraft their Wills executed years ago or starting out to review their estate plans generally.  Having attended several programs over time and drafted many estate plans I know the emphasis has almost always been on explaining Wills.  Today it is most often […]

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Ten Mistakes in Drafting Your Will

Ten Mistakes in Drafting Your Will

So it is the New Year and you have resolved to rewrite your Will, or at least take it out, review it and decide whether it still fits your current circumstances. While you do this you might want to consider some pitfalls that Wills might have, many not of your making. You would not want […]

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What Happens Without a Will

Without a Will?

Consumers are constantly told by financial planners and others that they must have a Will.  So, it would not be unusual to ask “what happens if I do not have a Will.”  The answer is, as with so many planning questions, “it depends.” If you have no assets titled in your own name and everything, […]

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